Your Responsibilities
- Writing a dissertation at the University of Graz in the field of American Studies on a topic focused on intermediality
- Contributing to research projects conducted at Centre for Intermediality Studies in Graz
- Carrying out independent research and publication efforts
- Independent teaching of courses within English and American Studies and the teacher training programme (English)and participating in teaching and examination tasks in the Department of American Studies and for the Certificate in Intermediality
Assisting students with regard to academic work - Participation in organizational, administrative, and evaluation tasks
- Supporting the center director, for instance by joint participation in intermediality-focused research within the university’s field of excellence “Dimensions of Europe” and the faculty of humanities core topic “Perception: Episteme, Aesthetics, Politics”
- Participating in preparing third-part-funding applications and in carrying out third-party-funded projects
- Editorial work, especially for a book series
Your Profile
- Completed diploma or master’s degree in the area of American Studies
- Research focus in intermediality studies within a literary or cultural American Studies project
- Discernible interest in interdisciplinarity (as shown, for example, by the M.A. thesis or a publication)
- Excellent knowledge of written and spoken German and English
- High level of motivation and of commitment to scholarly work
- Very good IT skills and experience in working with databases
- Know-how and experience in editing scholarly works and preparing them for publications (desired)
- High degree of personal responsibility and ability to cooperate
- Excellent communication skills and clear ability to work in teams
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