The research cluster “Literatures and their Interactions” of the Field of Excellence “Dimensions of Europe” is delighted to invite you to the conference “Versions of Home: Rewriting – Adapting – Referencing in the Arts” which will be held from March 26–28, 2025 (SZ 15.22, ReSoWi Building and online via Zoom).
For the conference program please see our website:
The participation for the event is free of charge, but we would like to ask you to register, indicating the mode of your participation (online or on-site), via the following form:
Online participants will receive the Zoom link via e-mail a few days before the conference.
Reading at Literaturhaus Graz
On March 27 (7p.m.) a reading with Andra Rotaru (Stadtschreiberin 2024/25) will take place at the Literaturhaus. This event will be accompanied by the string quartet “Quasi presto.” Admission to this event is free and open to the general public! Further information:
Olaf Terpitz and Ingeborg Zechner
Cluster Coordinators