Xavier Hernàndez i Garcia is a pre-doctoral researcher at the University of València where he is preparing his PhD thesis Joan Fuster and the music: aesthetic ideas, metatextuality and intermedial relations under the supervision of Dr. Carme Gregori. In 2018 he completed his degree in Catalan Language and Literature and studied a Master’s Degree in Music as an Interdisciplinary Art at the University of Barcelona, the University Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona, and the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC), where he had the opportunity to start investigating the relations between music and other arts and to publish his first articles on the matter.
In 2021 he started his PhD with a talent attraction grant for young researchers from the University of València which allowed him to work with the Group of Contemporary Catalan Literature (GLCC), that is currently studying hypertextuality and intermediality in Catalan contemporary writers. In that sense, he has already published articles about the music in the cinematographic realism of Eric Rohmer, the influence of Bach and Mozart in the aesthetics of the Catalan writers Joan Maragall i Eugeni d’Ors, Catalan poetry and jazz, and intermediality in the theatrical work Maremar.
Nevertheless, his main project is about Joan Fuster, one of the most prolific and important writers of the Catalan culture. Xavier has already given conferences and published articles about the author’s relation with music. One of them «Contra l’òpera» (Against opera) was awarded with the 2022 Cathedra Joan Fuster prize for young researchers. Now, he has come to Graz to examine the musical poems of the author from an intermedial perspective. In that sense, he has just published the chapter «The musicalitzation of poetry in Joan Fuster. An intermedial study of the poems “Bach” and “Chopin”» in the last book of the Catalan Society of Language and Literature.